Friday, March 20, 2009

PDF Writer: Primo PDF

I regularly use Adobe's Acrobat Professional to create my PDF files. If you do not have this software, however, I have found a useful, free PDF writer: Primo PDF.

You can download it at

Using it is quite simple, similar to Acrobat. Once installed on your computer:
  1. To change a document to a PDF file, Click Print. Instead of selecting a printer, choose Primo PDF.
  2. Click OK.
  3. Choose Print.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Wait for a few seconds for the PDF document to display.
  6. Save it to your desktop or drive.
For most basic Word documents, it has worked well for me.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Learning Communities

Looking for some new ideas? A fresh perspective? Sometimes it helps to connect with other learning professionals, and see what they have been doing.

Explore these online learning communities. They offer you the opportunity to engage with other learning professionals from around the world. This is a great opportunity to network, interact, and share knowledge and ideas.

Here are two learning communities you may want to check out:

Tapped In (The online workplace of an international community of education professionals.)
Learning Town (A Village for Learning Professionals)

What other online learning communities have you discovered? Comment on them here, so they can be shared with everyone.