Saturday, April 21, 2007

Corporate Advisory Council at Bloomsburg University

Bloomsburg University's Department of Instructional Technology just completed its most recent Corporate Advisory Council (CAC) this past week. (For a great summary of the events, check out Karl Kapp's weblog at

One word comes to my mind as I reflect on this spring CAC: Generations.

Some presentations focused on transferring knowledge from one generation to another, and what considerations we need to make as we design learning products and instructional solutions.

Learners come not only from varied backgrounds, but from different times: Traditionalists. Baby Boomers. Generation Xer's. Millennials. All have been influenced by the technologies and methodologies of their day. And all approach learning in different ways - and with different expectations.

How do you build learning solutions that will accommodate these different generations of learners?

How you answer that question will impact how (and how successfully) you recruit, retain, and train your workforce.